NCC Autocross performs a pre-session safety/technical inspection on every vehicle before they are permitted on course.
Safety Inspection
All driver’s are responsible for the safety and general upkeep of their cars. A safety and tech inspection will be performed on every car participating in an NCC Autocross event. So how do you prepare your car to pass inspection? Follow these simple steps;
1/ Ensure your battery is secure and not loose in it’s compartment
2/ Ensure all fluids are up to recommended levels
3/ Ensure your trunk is emptied of all contents
4/ Remove all loose items from inside the car, including floor mats
5/ Do a quick brake check to ensure proper brake pedal input
6/ Check your wheels by pushing on the top of the wheel to be sure there is no play in any of your suspension components
7/ Verify you have the proper tire pressure in your tires
8/ Be sure your car does not have any loose paneling, especially front fairings, fog lights, etc.
9/ Inspect your tires! Any excessive wear and/or banding showing on the surface will not be permitted on course
All drivers (and passengers) are required to wear a Snell 2015 (or alternatively SA 2020, M2015, or M2020) helmet while on course. If you don’t have your own helmet, NCC Autocross has plenty of loaners you can use.
Vehicle Numbering
All cars registered for an event need to have their assigned number displayed prominently on both sides of the car. Some drivers have magnetic numbers, others use painters tape (as it’s easily removed without residue left behind on your paint!) NOTE: Remember to remove the numbers when on lunch break or as you leave the event grounds as police are often aware of these events and a watching driver’s (especially those with numbers on the car) as they leave the area.
Additional Considerations
If you’re concerned about rock chips, cone marks and scuffs on the front of your car, some drivers will use painters tape and mask of specific areas of the car to help protect it from loose gravel and hitting cones.
Tire pressure is critical in maximizing your performance and time while out on the course. Start with the factory pressure settings, then play with pressures as you become more experienced. Some drivers like higher tire pressures, and many actually lower it to increase the footprint of the tire while on course.
For safety concerns, all drivers must either have their windows all the way up or all the way down while on course. Half open windows are structurally compromised and not permitted.
Drivers and passengers may not use hand-held cameras (video or static) while on course. Any photo and/or video equipment must be affixed to the inside or outside of the car.
Would like to bring a friend to drive in the same car, e.g., he would drive one session and I’d drive another. Is that one registration or two?
That would be two registrations
Thanks for clarifying. The friend is not a member of the BMWCCA. Is that okay?
They must be a member. Please check out our promotion for new members to autocross for free here
Are convertibles allowed at autocross events? E93 specifically?
Yes, convertibles are allowed for autocross